Baked Pancakes Recipe
For someone who’s never been a huge fan of breakfast, I do love making breakfast fodder. I can often be found forking up eggie bread, bacon sandwiches or waffles for the men in my life, but rarely indulge myself. These Baked Pancakes are a bloody genius breakfast idea from the wonderful Nadiya Hussain; they are quick, taste amazing and their absolute selling point for me, you don’t have to stand in front of the hob frying pancakes for hours on end.
These Baked Pancakes are pretty much self explanatory and I’d wished I’d found this recipe years ago. A simple batter is whipped up then scraped into a brownie sized, oiled baking tin. I sprinkled mine with half chocolate chips, half crispy bacon, but the add ins are entirely up to you. Sprinkle on blueberries, crumbled sausage, jam, the options are endless. The only must for me is covering the baked slabs of pancake in golden or maple syrup; no pancake is complete without syrup, in my humble opinion.
Baked Pancakes are a total lifesaver if you have demanding diners at breakfast time *George*. Thankfully you can make these in advance so your ungrateful family can reheat them when they ordain to actually get out of bed.

Simple and storecupboardy style ingredients making these Baked Pancakes even more appealing. You can whip them up in minutes and have them on the table in around 15. So much quicker than spending half an hour cooking pancakes to order at the stove, which I have to say, I find bloody tedious.
Right, start by pre heating your oven to 160 degrees fan assisted and oiling a 9 inch by 7 inch brownie style tin. Next take a large bowl and measure out the flour, baking powder, caster sugar and salt.

Give these dry ingredients a little mix. Next in a jug whisk the milk, eggs and oil.

In a fairly standard turn of events pour the wet ingredients into the dry and fold together until you have a smooth batter.

Scrape the batter into the tin then sprinkle on your bits and bobs. I went for 4 rashers of chopped crispy bacon on one half and a handful of dark chocolate chips on the other half. Catering for everyones needs, sweet and savoury.

Place the tin into your pre heated oven for around 10 to 15 minutes. The finished pancakes will be golden and firm and smelling super tempting.

Cut into chunky squares and serve hot with lashings of syrup based items, I went Golden but maple is equally divine.

A Baked Pancake is soft, tasty and kerfuffle free. I am not a fan of breakfast, but for these, I’ll make an exception. To clarify, I’m all about the bacon, whilst George scoffed the chocolate half.
Lucy x
Baked Pancakes Recipe
Serves 4 to 6
You will just need bowls for this and a lined or oiled 18cm x 23cm baking tin
250g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons caster sugar
170ml whole milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoon oil
Cooked crispy bacon, chocolate chips, blueberries to add to the pancakes and maple or golden syrup to serve
Oil or line your baking tin and pre heat the oven to 160 degrees fan assisted.
Take a large bowl and measure in the flour, baking powder. salt and sugar. Give it a little mix.
In a large jug beat the eggs, milk and oil. Pour this into the flour mixture and fold together until you have a smooth batter. Scrape into your oiled/lined baking tin. If you like, scatter the top with chocolate chips, cooked, crispy bacon, blueberries or anything else you love in your pancakes. Put into your pre heated oven and cook for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden and firm to the touch.
Take out of the oven and cut into squares. Serve with a lake of the syrup of your choice. Any leftovers can be kept, well wrapped, in the fridge and reheated for the next 2 to 3 days.

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