Pomegranate Gin Fizz recipe
Bloody Hell what a difference a week makes. Since we last had a drink together, everything appears – and this is a technical term – to have gone tits up. If ever there was a week when I’ve earned a drink it’s this one, so come on, have a Pomegranate Gin Fizz on me.
In these strange uncertain times, I decided to share a gin cocktail for familiarity and comfort. Pomegranate and lime add some sweetness and tang to my favourite gin and the soda makes it long and not too ballsy. Hopefully you’ll be able to track down a carton of long life pomegranate juice in the ravaged supermarkets and have an aging lime in your fruit bowl for this. And if you don’t have gin on your drinks trolley, then you’ve come to the wrong place.
I have said this before, and I’ll say it again, drink is not the answer. However, on this occasion, with what’s going on in the world it, momentarily, just might be.

Other than my lovely decanter, this isn’t a terribly glamourous line up. However, looks can be deceptive, as what this lacks in class, it makes up for in flavour.
You don’t even need the bloody cocktail shaker for this, in a lazy turn of events. So just drop some ice into a lovely chunky tumbler.

Pour in a hearty measure of gin then a teaspoon of fresh lime.

Next in is the pomegranate juice, then give it a good stir.

Top up with soda or fizzy water then pop in a slice of lime for luck, and much needed extra vitamin C.

This is now ready for you to sip, or let’s face it, it’s more likely to be a glug.

I don’t really know what else to say. The worldwide pandemic is beyond anything any of us could have imagined. Everyone is affected, no one unscathed. All I can say is I’m thinking of you all, sending so much love, and keep washing your hands.
Lucy x
Pomegranate Gin Fizz recipe
Makes 1
You will only need a glass, nothing more
40ml gin
75ml pomegranate juice
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
Soda or fizzy water to top up
Fresh lime to garnish
Take a glass and add a handful of ice. Pour in the gin, fresh lime, pomegranate juice and stir. Top up with fizzy water and garnish with a slice of lime. Sip and try to forget whats going on around you.

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