Cider Sling Recipe
As the nights draw in and it’s dark by 4.30pm, Friday cocktails become more and more necessary. And start earlier and earlier, or is that just me? It’s getting colder and hair curlingly damp and the blanket which has spent all summer on the back of the sofa is now permanently on my knees. I’m craving warmth and comfort and my Cider Sling has all the snuggy qualities I’m after.
I’m not a big cider fan, never have been, not even the fruity based ones the boys love. But when mixed with some comfortingly warm brandy, apple juice and just a touch of maple syrup for sweetness, it becomes more than a little bit of me. I chose my cider from a vast selection at Waitrose not really noticing it was a fizzy one. This caused my cocktail shaker to nearly explode, so do pay more attention than me, who just chose mine because I liked the bottle *eye roll*. If you have Calvados in your drinks cabinet then this would be perfect in this Cider Sling. I had my favourite Spanish 103 brandy, still doing a lovely turn, but just use whatever’s to hand.
I would never advocate drinking to excess, but it may be worth making two Cider Slings at once, because this crisp, warming drink is not one for sharing; you’ll want this all for yourself.

Everything about this screams autumn winter 2019. Well ok, not particularly 2019, but you know what I mean. As I said, it’s hard not to be wooed by all the fancy craft ciders and their lovely bottles, but do make sure you don’t pick a fizzy one.
Make a start on this with a shaker and a handful of ice.

Now, measure in the Brandy and lemon juice.

Next in is the maple syrup, apple juice and finally the all important cider.

Shake the shaker for around 10 seconds, then, strain, onto more ice into your good sized glass. Garnish with a slice/chunk of apple, for that extra bit of seasonal flair.

This is so fresh, but warming and seasonal at the same time. Clyde didn’t even get a sip of this, it was mine, all mine.

It’s turning super cold and I really should be warming my hands on a glass of mulled wine this cocktail Friday. However, this early winter mix of all the apple based drinks is just as snuggy and comforting. Without the need to turn the gas on.
Have a lovely weekend.
Lucy x
Cider Sling Recipe
Makes 1
You will need a cocktail shaker and a good sized glass
40ml Brandy
25ml fresh lemon juice
10ml maple syrup
75ml cloudy apple juice
75ml dry cider, not the fizzy kind
Apple slice to garnish
Take your cocktail shaker and add a good handful of ice. Measure in the brandy, lemon juice, maple syrup, apple juice and cider.
Shake until the shaker is chilled then pour, over some more ice, into your glass. Garnish with an apple slice. Sip and feel seasonal.

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