Pork with Chutney and Cheese Recipe
This fruit with meat thing is becoming a habit. I almost didn’t write this post because I was embarrassed to mention this slightly retro combination again. But I couldn’t help myself, the recipe is brilliant, shamefully easy and one I really felt I had to share with you. And as I mentioned before, I definitely read somewhere that fruit and meat are set to be big in 2015.
I can’t even remember where this came from, but I think it may have been on an advert for pork many moons ago, but the recipe has stayed with me, and it still features at least once a month in our house. This isn’t even a recipe really, just tender pork loin steaks lightly grilled, then adorned with either apple sauce or mango chutney and a cheese of your choice. What could be simpler? I still have another fruit based main course to share with you, but I may hold fire for another couple of weeks, as I don’t want to become too much of a hipster trend setter.
Here’s the fruit and meat based ingredients. Slightly from the 1970’s, yes, but that was my era I’m afraid. I love Abba and used to, aged 7, dress up as the dark haired one whilst singing their songs into my hairbrush. I digress back to simpler times.
Take your pork and place it on a lined grill pan. I line mine with foil as I cannot bear to have to scour the pan afterwards. Lazy or cunning, a bit of both I think. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle on some olive oil.
Put them under the grill for 10 minutes until starting to brown. Turn the pork steaks over then cook for another five minutes.
I did say this was simple, didn’t I?
When the five minutes is up place a spoonful of your chosen relish onto each steak. Top this with a slice of cheese and put back to bubble away from a further 4 to 5 minutes. The cheese you use is up to you. I had Emmental to hand but I have used Cheddar and Red Leicester in the past. In true retro fashion I could imagine Brie would work too.
Ensure the pork is cooked through then serve these tasty offerings immediately. The cheese does have a tendency to try and part company with the pork, but do help it back on, it would be wasted stuck to the grill pan.
Pork, bubbling cheese with apple or mango, all perfect together. I served mine with oven sautés and salad.
This easy recipe is a brilliant quick supper, just 20 minutes from start to finish. It’s really too good not to try. And I promise you don’t have to be dressed as a member of Abba to enjoy it. Although it wouldn’t hurt.
Lucy x
Pork with Chutney and Cheese Recipe
Serves 2
4 pork loin steaks
4 teaspoons either apple sauce, mango chutney or your fruity favourite chutney
4 slices cheese, I used Emmental but strong Cheddar works, as would Brie or most cheese come to think of it
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Pre heat your grill to around 180 degrees or medium to high. Season the pork with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Grill the steaks for around ten minutes and they are starting to brown, turn them over and grill for another five minutes. Take the pork out from under the grill and spoon a teaspoon of apple sauce or chutney onto each one and spread out. Next, top them with a slice of cheese and return to the grill for a final four to five minutes. The pork should be cooked through, the cheese bubbling and the chutney warmed through. Serve immediately with crispy oven sautés and a green salad.
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