Sea Salt Chocolate Krispie Bar Recipe
As I mentioned earlier on in the week, I am tired and emotional. The jet lag hasn’t eased at all and now I have a horrible cold. That said, I mustn’t moan, we did have the most amazing holiday, which makes the fact I feel like dirt, almost worth it. The fact I am a sniveling mess is by no means an apology for today’s more than simple recipe. I have been meaning to share this Sea Salt Chocolate Krispie Bar with you for ages.
I can hear you all now, not another bloody Rice Krispie based recipe, or is that just the overtired voices in my head? But, no, this is not another childrens style rice cereal treat. This is more of a grown ups speciality, think a replica Nestle Crunch Bar with a touch of salt. It’s more about the chocolate than it is the cereal and when served straight from the fridge it’s crisp, has crunch and the salt just takes it to a new realm. I took inspiration from the wonderful Food 52 for this recipe, with thanks to them and their continued brilliance.
I love serving something like this Sea Salt Chocolate Krispie Bar at a dinner party with coffee and liqueurs. Don’t be impressed, because once we have hit the ‘raid Lucy’s drinks cabinet’ stage of a dinner party I could serve a packet of chocolate buttons and we’d be happy. But this grown ups chocolate bar is so easy, it would be a travesty not to sling it together the next time you have friends for dinner. I have to say it compliments the rogue bottles of Tia Maria, Limoncello and Frangelico in a really rather tempting way. Or if you have to, cut into elegant chunks and share, begrudgingly, with your family.
Oh the shame of this embarrassingly easy recipe. No shame, just three ingredients with such a delectable end result. I used a mixture of three quarters milk chocolate and a quarter dark chocolate, but you choose what you prefer.
Make a start by lining a 20cm x 20cm square tin, nothing too challenging yet. Next, add your chocolate of choice to a largish bowl.
Melt this using the method of your choice. I put it in the microwave for 90 seconds and it was perfect. If you don’t have a microwave, place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and leave until the chocolate is starting to meld together.
Next, in this complicated recipe, tip in the rice cereal and give it all a good stir. You are looking for chocolate with rice krispies rather than chocolate coated cereal. This is more of a chocolate bar than a cereal bar.
Pour this delicious mixture into your lined tin and smooth the top. Then sprinkle with a big pinch of sea salt.
I don’t even have very tanned hands as we had quite a bit of rain in Miami.
Leave this tempting tin of treats to chill in the fridge for at least two hours, however difficult it may be.
Once chilled, cut this Krispie Slab into squares, wedges, slivers, you decide.
Share this with your friends and family. Or don’t, you can always hide it away and eat it all yourself.
I know this is a winning recipe because it lasted no more than an hour in our house plus I have had numerous requests for more batches. It’s child friendly, but really, any child would have a job wrestling this out of my hands. If you are tired and feeling all a bit ‘back to school’, you will surely be able to muster the tiny bit of energy needed to pop this together and then a final burst to see it all off.
Lucy x
Sea Salt Chocolate Krispie Bar Recipe
Makes a 20cm square slab
You will only need a lined 20cm x 20cm square tin and a big bowl
400g chocolate, I used 300g milk chocolate and 100g plain chocolate
50g crisp rice cereal
a large pinch sea salt, such as Maldon
Line your 20cm by 20cm cake tin. Take a large bowl and add your chosen chocolate. Melt, either in the microwave for around 90 seconds or over a pan of simmering water until only just melted. Leave for a couple of minutes to fully melt then stir the chocolate until smooth and glossy.
Stir your rice cereal into the melted chocolate, ensuring all the krispies are covered in chocolate.
Pour this into your lined 20cm by 20cm tin and flatten into a level layer. Sprinkle with a good pinch of sea salt then leave in the fridge for at least two hours until set firm. Cut into wedges and devour. Keep any left overs in the fridge for at least a week.
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