Maple Soy Salmon with Soy Eggs Recipe
I’ve had a bit of a break from blogging life over the last 3 weeks. Losing my Dad so suddenly has quite obviously taken the wind out of all our sails. Food and writing about food seemed so frivolous, but I have been finding solace in the kitchen. However sad we are, good food is a comfort to all and something my Dad enjoyed, alongside a glass of wine, most days. I made this Maple Soy Salmon with Soy Eggs as a soothing supper for my Mother, and felt this was the perfect dish to share with you kind people.
It’s not often you can serve a dinner to your family that’s also swanky *love that word* enough to serve to someone you’re trying to impress. Who knew that topping a dish with a soy marinated egg could transform some midweek, on special offer, salmon into a beyond delicious treat. This recipe is a beauty. The soy eggs are optional, but so worth the very little of your valuable time they take to make. The salmon itself is sweet-ish, salty with the tang of lime. Served on a bed of sticky rice with some spinach you’ve lightly wilted in sesame oil, it’s less than half an hour from chopping board to table. It was given a resounding yes from my book group, which I took as a win and it distracted them from the fact I hadn’t read the book. A big thank you to Food 52 and Freshly Zested for the lovely inspiration for this.
We have all been totally overwhelmed with love and support over the last few weeks. Getting back to a bit of Lucy Loves is a good distraction and I’ve missed rambling away on here. And there’s only so much tea and gin you can drink before you need to eat an actual meal.

Two ingredients line up for this, the Soy Egg and then the salmon. The eggs are an optional extra. Make the eggs if you are feeling a bit extra and want to impress someone or don’t bother if it’s just for your ungrateful family.
If you are doing the eggs, they’ll need between 4 and 6 hours, or up to 24, in the fridge, so plan accordingly. Bring a pan of water up to the boil then lower in 4 to 6 eggs. You will only need 4, but if one cracks or someone fancies and extra egg *Clyde* it’s worth doing a couple of extras. Stir the eggs in the simmering water then set a timer for a very precise 6 minutes 50 seconds.

As soon as the simmering time’s up, scoop the eggs out and immediately plunge into a big bowl of iced water.

While the eggs cook, get on with the marinade by mixing the sugar and warm water until dissolved. Then pour in the soy, vinegar and the pinch of chilli flakes.

When the eggs are cool enough to peel, peel away then drop the eggs into the bowl of marinade.

These are now ready for a spell in the fridge. Make sure the eggs sit below the soy mixture, use a saucer if you like. Cover and leave in the fridge until needed.
For the Soy Maple Salmon, start with the sauce. Take a small frying pan, heat over a low flame with a tablespoon of oil. I used Wok oil as it has a lovely flavour, but use what you have to hand. Add the chopped garlic and the big pinch of chilli flakes. Sauté for around a minute or until the garlic is just golden and fragrant.

Juice the lime, or lime and a half if yours is small and not that juicy, measure the soy and maple syrup, stir, then pour into the pan.

Simmer on a low heat for around 4 to 5 minutes. You just want the sauce to reduce a tiny bit and to increase in flavour.

While this happens, place your salmon on an oiled line baking tray. You’ll thank me for making you line the tray when it comes to the washing up later. And pre heat the oven to 170 degrees fan assisted.

Mine were all odd shapes and sizes, but then so are my family, so these suited me just right.
Spoon on a couple of tablespoons of your simmered sauce onto each piece of salmon. Then pop the baking tray into the pre heated oven. Keep the rest of the sauce for later.

Cook for around 15 minutes. The salmon’s ready when it’s just cooked through, golden and sizzling.

Your Soy Eggs are now ready for the big reveal as it’s time to serve up. Spoon out some sticky rice, add some spinach sauteéd in sesame oil then take your soy eggs out of their marinade and slice in half.

Reheat the leftover soy and maple sauce briefly. Add the flavourful salmon to the rice and spinach then top with a spoonful of the reheated sauce.

Finally, top the dish with a halved soy egg and a good sprinkling of black or white sesame seeds. Then tuck right in, or nibble elegantly if you have guests.

I know it’s not rosé season, but I’m afraid all bets are off at the moment. I am taking comfort in cooking for and eating with the people I love. And drinking with the people I love.
Lots of love to you all
Lucy x
Maple Soy Salmon with Soy Eggs Recipe
Serves 4
You won’t need any exciting equipment for this recipe, just pans
Soy Eggs
4 to 6 eggs, I always make extra in case one breaks, or someone wants 2
6 tablespoons warm water
1 tablespoon soft brown sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar, sherry is best, but white wine or rice vinegar would be fine
a pinch chilli flakes
150ml soy sauce
4 good sized pieces salmon, around 200g each, skin on or off, you decide
1 tablespoon oil, I used Wok oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed or grated
a pinch chilli flakes
4 tablespoon maple syrup
4 tablespoons soy sauce
Juice of a lime, you may need another half if yours is not that juicy
Black or white sesame seeds to garnish, sticky rice and sauteéd spinach to serve
Start with the eggs, at least 2, or 6 hours at best, in advance. I have made mine 24 hours in advance and they were just as good. Take a large pan of water and bring to the boil. Add the eggs, stir, then set a timer for a precise 6 minutes 50 seconds. Once the timer goes off, remove the eggs to a bowl of iced water.
In a small bowl, mix the sugar with the warm water and stir until dissolved. Stir in the soy and vinegar and add the chilli flakes. Peel the eggs once cold then add to the soy mixture. Make sure they’re submerged under the liquid, you could always put a saucer on the top then cover and pop in the fridge until needed.
For the salmon, pre heat your oven to 170 degrees assisted, Next, take a small frying pan and heat over a low flame. Add the oil then stir in the garlic and chilli flakes. Cook for a minute or so until just golden. Pour in the lime juice, soy and maple syrup, stir and cook for around 4 to 5 minutes, over a low heat until reduced ever so slightly.
Place your salmon pieces on a lined, oiled baking tray. Spoon a couple of tablespoons of the soy maple mixture onto each piece of fish, reserving the rest for serving. Place the tray into the oven and cook for around 15 minutes, or until the fish is firm, turning golden and only just cooked through.
Serve a piece of fish on a bed of rice with sauteéd spinach. Re heat the soy maple mixture, then spoon an extra tablespoon on top of the salmon. Take your soy eggs out of the marinade, cut in half then place on top of the fish. Garnish the whole dish with some black or white sesame seeds.
The eggs will keep for 24 hours in the marinade. The soy egg marinade can be kept in the fridge and used for another batch of soy eggs in the future.

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